" 'Ź ͺ' ϳε 蹮ȭ ġ ִ!" "The 'Exceptional Wabool', which is not found anywhere else in the world, is worthy of World Heritage status!"

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  • 2024.06.21() 07:22
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" 'Ź ͺ' ϳε 蹮ȭ ġ ִ!" "The 'Exceptional Wabool', which is not found anywhere else in the world, is worthy of World Heritage status!"
<ֻ Ҽž ΰ蹮ȭ ġ Ը мȸ>
"ȭֻ, ѹݵ ̸ 񺸻!"
"ͺ Ͼ , ż谡 !"
"ֻ, ȭ Բϴ Ư !"
õõž- õ, õõ踦 Ͻ!
"ֻ ͺ̽ ʼ!"
"ֻ ܱ ȫ!!"
" ü Ǿ"
"ֻ ʿ!"
"м Ǿ"
" ε Բ !"
  • Է : 2024. 05.31() 22:35
  • ȭ߾ӽŹ ǥ
ȭֻ κοͺ
ֻ ΰ蹮ȭ 縦 мȸ

ȭ ϸ õһ꿡 ġ ֻ 2017 ȭ ֻ Ҽž̶ ̸ õõž ׽ Ͽ ִ.

ֻ, ʱ 簡 ѹݵ ô , ȣ 谡 ̶ , ߰ ̿ Ϸ õõž ׾ âߴٰ ؿ, ѹݵ ̸ 񺸻μ ̾ ִ.

, õ Ϸ Ѵٴ ״µ, 簡 ϺϿ ذ ʰ  Ϸ簡 ƴ϶ ĥ ηԾµ,  ڰ ̸ ɺθ ϱⰡ Ƽ Ҹ ͺ ϴó ưٴ ȭ ִ.

Ҿ, ֻ翡 ҹ ȭ , ȭ ϸ鿡 ִ.

̷, 簡 â ֻ , Ӹ ϰ ־, "ͺ Ͼ ż谡 " ó, ȭ ư ִٴ Ͻϰ ִ.

ȭ Ư̸ , ӻ, 㰡 ֱ Ǿ Ż ġ ִ.

ȭȭ ֻ 蹮ȭ 縦 мȸ ȭ ȭ簨򰡻 е Բ ǥ Բ га ֹε ֻ縦 蹮ȭ Ű .

¹꼾 繫 е ȭֻ 蹮ȭ мȸ ֹε 븦 ϰ а ̾.

̳, , "ȭ ǿ ũ غ " 鼭, ȭ ٰ پ µ ̾ Ѵٴ ߴ

е, "ֻ 縦 ϱ ؼ ֹε ģ 谡 ʿϰ α׷ , Բ ֻ簡 蹮ȭ ִ Ǿ Ѵ" ߴ

, 蹮ȭ ֻ ġ غ ʿϴٸ鼭, ȭ翡 , ҿ, ֱ ȭ Ѽ ȣ ŷ ߴ.

ڰ , ȸ, "ͺ ߿伺 ϸ, ε ƽþƿ ִ ͺ ó Ͽ ִ , ֻ ͺ ó Ƕ, ϴ ¸ Ʋ ִ ̶ ͸ε 蹮ȭ ġ ִٴ ߴ.

蹮ȭ翡 ־, ֻ ߿ϴٰ ̵ , " ֻ翡 ٺ ij Ұ ž ֻ Ҿ , dz ѼյǾ" .

׷鼭, " ڿ ҿ  ֻ縦 ѳ Ǿ ϸ, "ֻ" Ǿ Ѵ" ߴ.

̰ȭ û , " 忡 ֻ , İ µ ֻ İ شϸ, ̶ ̾ .

⿡ ޹ħ ϱ ѵ, ֻ簡 ġ ϸ 밨 ֹ ǥ 밭 ̳, "ֻ 밭 谡 ִ" ϸ, " տ ִ ž, 밭 ִ ž , 絵 2 ž ִ" ߴ

Ҿ , "ͺ ϴ ¸ Ʋ ϴ κοͺ"̶鼭," ͺ ̸ó ϸ. ֹ ֱ⿡ ̸ ־" Ű鼭, "ȭ ֻ簡 蹮ȭ꿡 Ǿ ߾" Ÿ ߴ.

ȭȸ ǿ ֹ 輺 ǿ, "ֻ Ҽž 츮 ̿ ⿡ ž ϰ Դµ پ"鼭, "Ұ ϸ鼭 , øƮ, ĥ ȭ ġ Ҿ"鼭, " 鿩 ȭ縦 ġ Ѵ" ߴ

, "ֻ 蹮ȭ絵 ߿ 츮 ϸ ̴ ŭ ü ü ʿϴ" ߴ.

ڿ ȭȭ, "мȸ ȸ ֻ 蹮ȭ縦 ȭ ̴"鼭, "ȭ ֹε ؼ 蹮ȭ翡 °ڴ" ߴ.

Ѹ, ȭ ֻ縦 蹮ȭ Ű, Ź ġ ʿѵ, ̸ ؼ, "ֻ ͺ̽ Ǿ ϸ, ֻ ܱ ˸, ֻ ü Ǿ Ƹ, м Ǿ Ѵ" ̴

, 蹮ȭ 翡 ũ ⿩ ִ ãƳ, ȭ λ û ̲ ֻ縦 ȫ ͵ 蹮ȭ 翡 ū .

"The 'Exceptional Wabool', which is not found anywhere else in the world, is worthy of World Heritage status!"
"Hwasun Unjusa Temple, Mireuk Bibo Temple on the Korean Peninsula!"
"The day Wabool rises, a new world unfolds!"
"Unjusa Temple, a very special space where culture and religion come together!"
Cheonbulcheon Pagoda- A thousand Buddhas, hinting at the three thousand great worlds!
"Unjusa database construction is essential!"
"Create foreign language translations of Unjusa Temple and promote it worldwide!"
"Preservation and systematic management should be continued"
"A dedicated organization for Unjusa is necessary!"
"Academic research should continue"
"Unju Festival should be a festival for the world to enjoy together!"
Input : 2024. 05.31(Fri) 22:35Hwasun Joongang Shinmun Representative Park Ha-eun

Unjusa Temple, located in Cheonbulsan Mountain in Doam-myeon, Hwasun, was finally inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in 2017 under the name'Hwasun Unjusa Stone Buddha Pagoda Group'.

Unjusa is said to have been founded in the early Goryeo Dynasty when King Doseon saw the Korean Peninsula in the shape of a ship and was worried that the ship would tilt to one side because there are fewer mountains in Honam than in Yeongnam, so he built the Cheonbulcheon Pagoda overnight using the power of law to balance the ship.

There is also a story that masons from the heavenly realm were hired to work on the condition that they would only work for one day, and that Doseonguksa tied the sun to the Ilbong rock with the power of the law so that the sun would not rise for several days instead of one day, and that Doseonguksa's young disciple, tired of running errands back and forth between the masons and Doseon, made a chicken cry, causing the masons to return to heaven before they could build the pagoda.

In addition, the story of Grandmother Mago has also been passed down in Unju Temple, and Mago Waterfall currently exists in Hwasun Doam-myeon.

As such, Unjusa Temple, founded by King Doseon, is in the shape of a ship, with the prow facing the Pacific Ocean, suggesting that Hwasun will go global, as the saying goes, "The day Wabool rises, the new world will unfold."

Currently, Hwasun, Jeollanam-do is the only vaccine special zone in Korea, and a one-stop infrastructure for vaccine production, clinical trials, and licensing has been established, making it a world-class vaccine production region.

At the conference for the registration of Unjusa as a World Heritage Site held at the Hwasun Cultural Center, renowned scholars such as domestic cultural property commissioners and cultural property appraisers gave presentations on the topic, and through panel discussions and empathy with residents, they provided directions for Unjusa to be registered as a World Heritage Site in the future.

Heo Kwon, former Secretary General of the Asia-Pacific Intangible Heritage Center, and other scholars from home and abroad attended the conference for the inscription of Hwasun Unjusa Temple as a World Heritage Site, and formed a consensus with local residents and raised heated discussions and questions.

On this day, President Heo Kwon pointed out that "Hwasun County is highly motivated but less prepared," and stated that Hwasun County should continue various efforts in various ways.

All of the Korean scholars in attendance said, "In order to register Unju Temple as a World Heritage Site, it is necessary to have a close relationship with the local people and develop programs in conjunction with the local community.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

ȭ ֻ簡 ġ 밭

ϸ鿡 輺 ȭǿ

ֻ üȭ ϸ ҹ

ȭ߾ӽŹ ǥ hwasuncenter70@daum.net